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How to Become a Minimalist and Love It

Written by Rocio Espinoza In today's world, we're bombarded with responsibilities, relationships, purchases, possessions, and clutter, both physica...

How to Financially Prepare for Retirement

Written by Ashley Lipman for Caring Transitions Retirement planning is a life-long endeavor that allows you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Howe...

Virtual Charity Projects for the Holiday Season

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced everyone to become creative and think outside traditional norms. This concept has applied to everything you can think...

Show Seniors Love This Season By Donating Items They Need

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic battle and visitation restrictions in nursing homes and other long-term care communities are taking a toll on loved o...

Senior Living and Dementia Care - What Options Are There?

Written By Holly Klamer for Caring Transitions. Once baby boomers entered retirement age, they accepted the desire for more opportunities for senior ...

5 Healthy Ways Seniors Can Deal with Stress

Written for Caring Transitions by Rhiane Jessica. Stress is manageable, but staying on top of it gets harder as you get older. Studies show that adul...

Preparing for the Future: The Pros and Cons of Probate

A will offers a method for providing instructions regarding the handling of your financial affairs and the distribution of assets to loved ones after ...

10 Items to Thrift for Your Home

Classic, vintage, charming, mid-century or antique. Whatever your preference, giving furniture a second life can add unique style to your space. Furni...

Indoor Activities to Combat the Risks of Social Distancing

With the novel coronavirus COVID-19 dominating the news, it’s hard to think about anything else sometimes, especially if you are trying to stay home ...
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